Anyway, then wanted to sell me some cleaning product. First they told me the neighbors told them to come over to my house for dinner because I cooked a mean dinner. **SNORT** I don't cook. I told them that my neighbors didn't know me very well. Then they started in asking me if I liked the rust stain on the driveway. I told them it wasn't my thing, it was my husbands. He deals with it. Then they started in on the cleaning, and I told them I didn't clean. They asked if I married Mr. Perfect, and I told them that I had cleaners. Then they tried the young child bit, because they saw Little Guy. They asked if he ever wrote on the walls. That got a quick "NO!" and they were stumped. All of a sudden I got, "Well, thank you, Merry Christmas!"
Score one for ME!

This is superdog!
Good on ya, girlie!
One other thing -- after they left calling out "Merry Christmas!" I would have replied, "And Happy Hanukkah to you, too!"
Or something equally smart-ass like that.
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