Monday, July 30, 2007


It's been a pretty tough weekend here in Phoenix.

On Friday, two news helicopters crashed while covering a police chase. Hubby works for Phoenix PD, so right away he called me to let me know. All we knew is that it was a Channel 3 helicopter and a Channel 15 helicopter. We don't watch channel 15 all that much, but we have strong ties to Channel 3. In fact, the first theme song my son recognized after he was born, was the 'Good Morning Arizona' them song. We watch it every morning, including the segments on the helicopter with Bruce Haffner. That was our first though, oh god, Bruce! But then Bruce came on the air, and we pretty much knew it was Scott Bowerbank. And his photographer was Jim Cox. While Jim didn't get on camera much, his name was always mentioned as the photographer in the helicopter. Watching multiple hours a day, day after day, you get to 'know' the on air personality. It has hit us hard.

The suspect who started the whole thing was caught, and the Phoenix Police Chief said that they will prosecute him for the four deaths.

Then, that same evening, a Phoenix Police Officer was shot and killed by a suspect in a check forgery scam. This hits hard because Hubby works for the Police Department.

Finally, a man was killed while he tried to do an exorcism on his 3 year old granddaughter! Good lord! We made national news with that, and even Geraldo!

We have a lot of good things in our valley, but the last couple of days have been hard on us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


(Blogging Chicks)