My baby is six weeks old today.
I can't believe that it's been six weeks. She is growing like a weed, and she is a smart one, that's for sure. Between her and her brother, we're going to be in BIG TROUBLE in a couple of years. All she has to do is look at her daddy with her big blue eyes and he's a goner! (So is mama, to tell you the truth). She's starting to smile and really develop a personality of her own, and she's a joy to watch.
Technically, I only have two more weeks left on my leave, but I've decided to take the rest of the school year off. I'm not sure how I did it with Little Guy, going back to work after only eight weeks, but as my husband points out pretty regularly when I start pondering why this pregnancy this time around seemed more difficult, I had a desk job and left my job at home. With teaching, you are never 'off'. Even if you don't want to, the work comes home with you as you are always thinking about stuff. How to make this better, don't forget to do this, to fill out that paper, make sure this kid gets the testing he needs. I'm forever writing lists.
I think one of the best things I did was to take those two weeks off before Baby L was born. I got to relax. And now isn't so bad, because I can nap during the day when Little Guy is at school. My biggest worry is to finish this web class so I can go renew my teaching certificate. I think I'd have a nervous breakdown if I had to go back to work and get up at 5am when I'm giving Baby L her last bottle of the day at 11pm. Plus, when I went to show Baby L to my kids, I was still ready to strangle at least two of them, so I think it's a win-win situation all around that I stay home for the rest of the school year. (To give you an example, after lunch my kids get an opportunity to get a drink table by table, and if they ask me after that, most of the time I don't let them because it leads to everyone NEEDING a drink. My sub [who is a retired teacher] lets the kids go and get a drink as long as she's not teaching. Well, one of my little angels came up to me and, rather smugly, informed me that 'Mrs. H let's us go get a drink whenever we want as long as she's not teaching.' Like, he he, look what we're doing. No, I don't think I want to go back for only nine days and be driven nuts!)
And, I get another three months uninterrupted with my children to work on making my household run smoothly.